About this design
This is a frames design featuring Riku from the game Kingdom Hearts it was made in PSP 7 and coded using notepad and other various things XD.

To use
To use this design is pretty easy just unzip the folder for and extract all the files. Find the Nocturna.html file and copy that into notepad or your HTML editor. Then upload the Nocuturna1.jpg and the CSS to your server. Then find the darkness1.html file and edit the contents that is where you will update the site and such. also be sure to use this ////Name here//// code so your links will open in new windows..it's annyoing to have them open in frames :/ (remove the slashes or the code will not work. )

Usage and Thank yous
I ask you not to edit the graphics remove my copyright and claim you made this design... I won't be very happy. This is a linkware layout so please leave my link up! Thank you! Riku/Kingdom Hearts are copyright of Square/Disney Interactive I do not own the rights to Kingdom Hearts and never claimed to. also thanks to Dai for doing the CSS coding for me!

A spalsh page and a avie tomatch the layout enjoy! I will customize them and the layout graphics with your site name if you want just ask (see my email below)

Use this color #DEDFBD and this text color:#4C4D14 So the graphics will all match and it will look alot nicer> :P
Also if you need some help don't be afraid to send me a message and I'll be glad to do what I can! {Reach me here}

Site owned by:You
Layout by:Becca for:Lovely Designs